EML Transaction Simulator API


The Transaction Simulator API is used to simulate transaction activity for cardholder accounts and is only available in our Beta Environment https://beta.emerchants.com.au/3.0/.

You are able to simulate the following transaction scenarios:

  • Transaction Authorisation
  • Advice
  • Reversal
  • Clearing
  • Clearing Reversal


In order to use the transaction simulator you will be required to have active accountsopen in new window setup and verified that these accounts:

  • Are in an Active state
  • Have been set to Plastic Enabled

Refer to the EML Account APIopen in new window documentation for more information on creating and managing accounts used to simulate transactions.

The Transaction Simulator API is provided by EML and can be used to simulate and test transaction activity on active accounts. If an account is invalid you will get an invalid account response or account is closed.


An access token is required to consume the methods for the Transaction Simulator API. Refer to the Authentication documentation for further details on OAuth 2.0 and use the EML Token APIopen in new window documentation as a reference to obtaining an access token.

Important Usage Note

All JSON sent to and from the API must be sent with the Content-Type HTTP header set to application/vnd.eml+json. This is to prevent any confusion caused by intermediate proxies and gateways which may send application/json under some conditions.

REST Method Overview

The following methods are available for the Transaction Simulator REST APIopen in new window.

  • POST /simulation/transact
    • Create a transaction to return an authorisation response.
  • POST /simulation/advice
    • Create an advice to return an authorisation advice response.
  • POST /simulation/reverse
    • Create a reversal to return an authorisation reversal response.
  • POST /simulation/clear
    • Create clearing to return an transaction clearing response.
  • POST /simulation/reverse_clear
    • Create clearing reversal to return an transaction clearing reversal response.


Transact is the simulation endpoint where we perform a Transaction Purchase, Withdrawal and POS Credit.

API Endpoint

POST https://beta.emerchants.com.au/3.0/simulation/transact

Example request

The transaction_type can be set as either and will generate the transactions listed beside them

  • Purchase - POS Authorisation Purchase (1118)
  • Withdrawal - ATM Cash Authorisation (1141) a valid ATM MCC like 6011 needs to be used for simulating Withdrawals
  • PosCredit - POS Credit (1116)

The transaction_type field is case sensitive and needs to match the above examples

It is recommended that you wait approx 30-90 seconds before attempting further transactions that are related to this request to allow backend processing to complete.

	"transaction_type" : "Purchase",
	"account_id": "Z8ZKW0TMA",
	"amount": "0.05",
	"bank_name" : "Westpac",
	"location" : "Brisbane",
	"location_code" : "AUS",
	"currency_code" : "AUD",
	"acquirer_id" : "584002598",
	"merchant_id" : "123",
	"terminal_id" : "456",
	"mcc" : "0564"

Example response 200

    "transaction_reference": "5CE4A16509",
    "authorization_id": "349078",
    "success": true,
    "message": "Authorisation succeeded with response code 00 (Approved)"


Advice is the simulation endpoint for when an adjustment is to be made to an existing POS Authorisation Purchase transaction that has occurred. This will generate POS Authorisation Purchase Reversal (1120) and a POS Authorisation Purchase (1118) Advice message if a POS Auth transaction exists with the provided attributes. If the transaction doesn't exist only a POS Authorisation Purchase (1118) Advice will be triggered

It is recommended that you wait approx 30-90 seconds before attempting further transactions that are related to this request to allow backend processing to complete.

API Endpoint

POST https://beta.emerchants.com.au/3.0/simulation/advice

Example request

The authorization_id is set from the /transact response and the transaction_type needs to match the original /transact request

	"account_id": "Z8ZKW0TMA",
	"transaction_type" : "Purchase",
	"amount": "0.01",
	"bank_name" : "Westpac",
	"location" : "Brisbane",
	"location_code" : "AUS",
	"currency_code" : "AUD",
	"acquirer_id" : "584002598",
	"merchant_id" : "123",
	"terminal_id" : "456",
	"mcc" : "0564",
	"authorization_id": "349078"

Example response 200

    "authorization_id": "349078",
    "success": true,
    "message": "AuthAdvice succeeded with response code 00 (Approved)"


Reversal is the simulation endpoint where we reverse the transaction that did not transact. This will generate a POS Authorisation Purchase Reversal (1120) if there is an existing POS Authorisation Purchase on record for the account with the attributes requested.

API Endpoint

POST https://beta.emerchants.com.au/3.0/simulation/reverse

Example request

The authorization_id is set from the /transact response and the transaction_type needs to match the original /transact request

	"transaction_type" : "Purchase",
	"account_id": "Z8ZKW0TMA",
	"amount": "0.51",
	"bank_name" : "Westpac",
	"location" : "Brisbane",
	"location_code" : "AUS",
	"currency_code" : "AUD",
	"acquirer_id" : "584002598",
	"merchant_id" : "123",
	"terminal_id" : "456",
	"mcc" : "0564",
	"authorization_id": "349078"

Example response 200

    "authorization_id": "349078",
    "success": true,
    "message": "AuthReverse succeeded with response code 00 (Approved)"


Clearing is the simulation endpoint where we settle the transaction from the /transact endpoint response. This will generate a Clearing Credit Back (1117) and a POS Clearing (1115) transaction if there is an existing POS Authorisation Purchase on record for the account with the attributes requested. Otherwise if the transaction doesn't exist only a "Forced Post" POS Clearing (1115) will be generated.

Please note: /clearing endpoint is an asynchronous process and may take a while to complete.

It is recommended that you wait approx 30-90 seconds before attempting further transactions that are related to this request.

API Endpoint

POST https://beta.emerchants.com.au/3.0/simulation/clear

Example request

The authorization_id is set from the /transact response and the transaction_type needs to match the original /transact request

	"account_id": "Z8ZKW0TMA",
	"transaction_type" : "Purchase",
	"amount": 0.12,
	"authorization_id": "349078",
	"mcc" : "0564",
	"acquirer_id" : "584002598",
	"merchant_id" : "123",
	"terminal_id" : "456"		 

Example response 200

    "success": true,
    "message": "Clearing Succeed"

Clearing Reversal

Clearing Reversal is the simulation endpoint where we reverse the cleared transaction that occurred from the /clear endpoint response. This will generate a POS Clearing Reversal (1125) transaction

Please note: /reverse_clear endpoint is an asynchronous process and may take a while to complete.

API Endpoint

POST https://beta.emerchants.com.au/3.0/simulation/reverse_clear

Example request

The authorization_id is set from the /transact response and the transaction_type needs to match the original /transact request

	"account_id": "Z8ZKW0TMA",
	"transaction_type" : "Purchase",
	"amount": 0.12,
	"authorization_id": "349078",
	"mcc" : "0564",
	"acquirer_id" : "584002598",
	"merchant_id" : "123",
	"terminal_id" : "456"

Example response 200

    "success": true,
    "message": "Clearing Reversal Succeed"


The Transaction Simulator API is used to simulate transactions for the various transaction scenarios as described above. Each scenario returns a series of response codes and ISO 8583 financial transaction messaging, please refer to our Error documentation for further details on the HTTP and transaction response codes you can expect.